JCI CYE 2025 Registration

All personal data are highly confidential and only used for JCI CYE 2025
Personal Information
Full Name
Email Address
Date of Birth
JCI National Organization
JCI Local Organization
Highest education attained
Bachelor (S1 or equal)
Master (S2 or equal)
Doctorate (S3 or equal)
Business Information
What is the name of your business?
What is your company website if applicable?
Please provide a description of your business. What was your source of inspiration?
What existing products/services does your company provide?
What are the competitive advantages of your products?
What sector of industry best describes your business?
Art & Culture
Medical or Healthcare Industry
Media, Communication & Entertainment
Environment; Green Tech & Sustainability
Supply Chain & Logistics
Textile & Apparels
Food & Beverage
Hospitality and Tourism
Other - Please explain.
What type of business will this be? Sole proprietorship, LLC, Business Partnership, etc.
When did you start the business and how long have you been operating as a business?
What do you intend to do with the investment funds? Where will the money go?
Name of Project bearers/education/position in the organization/occupation.
Primary Contact Details (Address/City/State/Email/Mobile).
Social Media Accounts of the Business.
Business Overview
Explain the objective of your business, and the need that it satisfies (word limit: 250)
How has the company been financed to date? What other financial transactions have occurred in the past?
Explain your business in detail addressing the current market needs as well as how this will impact your lifestyle. (word limit: 200)
Explain your business model and how your venture will begin to earn a profit and become sustainable.
Describe your ideal market and target customer by explaining the following: (word limit: 200)
Market for your product (geographic area)
Current pricing
Category of consumer
Growth trends or goals
What competitions do you face in the market (Mention your major Competitors & Barriers and explain your competitors' products stating specific Product/Company. Also mention the major barriers your business might face or is facing and how you intend to overcome these barriers).
How do you intend to scale your business locally, nationally and globally? Is your product replicable? If yes, how do you intend to face the challenge?
Are you interested in gaining investment, partnerships or mentorship? Have you received any of these in the past?
How do you intend to protect your intellectual property and eventual branding?
What is your unique selling proposition? What is your "hook" and why is your business notable?
Proof of payment
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